

To submit your communication proposal, please visit the RIJCT 2019 website: before April 14, 2019.

Proposals for participation may be in the form of:

  • Communications followed by a discussion with the room
  • Photographic exhibitions
  • Posters
  • Projections



  • Presentation of the author(s)
  • CV (1 page)
  • Clarification of axis 1 to 6 in which the communication proposal is included
  • Abstract of maximum 300 words specifying the problem, the methodology and if necessary the first results of the work
  • Arial 12 font and 1.5 line spacing 




  • Presentation of the author(s)
  • CV (1 page)
  • Selection of axis 1 to 6 in which the communication proposal is included
  • Abstract of a maximum of 300 words specifying the problem, the methodology and if necessary the first results of the work.
  • Arial 12 font and 1.5 line spacing 


Selected participants must send us their long abstracts (5000 words) and PDFs of posters and exhibitions before 14 July 2019 on the website: 



  • The presentation time may not exceed 15 minutes
  • The oral presentation can be made in either English or French. However, we recommend that you prepare your PDF presentation in the second language (for example, for a presentation in French, please prepare a PDF presentation in English)
  • It is not necessary to send the presentation in advance: you can bring it with you on a USB stick
  • A laptop computer (no Mac) will be available in each room as well as a beamer; no other computers will be connected
  • For better logistics, please use the powerpoint software (*.ppt and *.pptx);
  • Any special requirements regarding the presentation of the podium, such as audio or video systems, must be requested in advance by e-mail (rijct2019@ and verified in advance with the organising committee.



  • The presentation time is available during each coffee break
  • The posters will be presented in 2 sessions (September 9 and 10)
  • The posters will be presented in PDF format
  • At the bottom of the page, mention the number and title of the axis(s) in which your contribution is made
  • A panel will be available as well as equipment to attach the posters to the billboards
  • Assistance will be provided upon your arrival



  • French or English language;
  • Maximum length of the title: 100 characters (without spaces), bold; no separate subtitles;
  • First name(s) and surname(s) of the authors and affiliation(s);
  • Text, bibliographic references, graphics and images, 5000 characters (without spaces) + references;
  • Arial 12 font and 1.5 line spacing;
  • Document in PDF and Word format. No review is planned. The authors are responsible for the quality of the text (content and language).


The summaries of the accepted proposals will be shared in a document (paper and digital format) and made available to conference participants. Further details and indications will be provided following the selection of abstracts.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the organising committee.

Full articles must be sent before July 30.

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